
“We can’t wait to see you this Sunday!”

Everyone is welcome! Whether you’re bringing friends, family or just yourself, we’d love to welcome you and help get you connected into life at LPC.

10.30am - Family Worship

Join us every Sunday at 10.30am for lively contemporary service. Band led worship, applied biblical teaching, prayer ministry with great children and youth provision. It’s designed for all - whether you are new to the Christian Faith or looking for a Church, this is a service where you will find friendship and encouragement in your faith.

Join us for 30 minutes of coffee after the service.

9am - Holy Communion

Our 9am service of Holy Communion is a more traditional service. We sing familiar hymns, have a 10 minute bible talk, intercessions and there’s time to build friendships after the service over coffee and cake.

There are no children’s activities during this service.

Every Sunday at 9am.

8am - BCP

Holy Communion in a quiet reflective service using traditional language.

There are no hymns, just a short talk.

There are no children’s activities during this service.

First and third Sundays of each month.


Whether you are completely new to LPC or have been here for years, we’d love to encourage everyone to sign up to serve on team one Sunday a month. There are lots of different teams to get stuck into and it’s a great way to meet people, and get more involved in the life of the church.

So whether it be serving on the hosting team, working with the kids, Sunday production, serving through one of our community projects, or offering your skills to support a new venture, we encourage everyone to get stuck in.

If you’d be up for serving on a Sunday or in the local community, click on the button below and fill in a form.